The Kindle Cloud Reader has been a viable browser based reading solution since 2011. You can read ebooks via all major internet browsers for desktop, mobile and tablets. Start your 3-month free trial of Unlimited Photos or Unlimited Everything and use this Chrome web app to quickly access and manage your account. Turn your Kindle Fire, phone or tablet into a digital photo album when you add your photos to the cloud. Many people read comics, graphic novels, and ebooks, when they are at work or school, since many organizations do not block it. Your photos and personal videos are available anytime, anywhere with Amazon Cloud Drive. Over the course of the past week, Amazon has pulled a feature or two away from it and it looks like it is on the verge of being discontinued. We conducted a review a couple of weeks ago on the Kindle Cloud Reader, and since then, the navigation tabs to download ebooks from the Cloud have been removed. The only books you can read, are ones that have been previously downloaded, no new titles can be accessed. Amazon is denying this statement, saying ebooks will continue to be downloaded, even without this navigation tab. Select ebooks from certain publishers with DRM cannot be opened anymore, even if you had previously downloaded them. There is a popup window that appears, notifying readers to download the Kindle app for iOS or Android.